A downloadable game for Android

El Crypternomicon es un sintetizador de notas procedurales y un grimorio de bolsillo , crea tus propias melodías y mezcla ritmos de forma libre , juega en modo cifrado para completar las constelaciones tocando determinadas notas en un ritmo y tempo determinados , tras acabar el cifrado con éxito lograrás invocar una Súcubo que podrá acompañarte en realidad aumentada ~ 

Esta aplicación solo es compatible con los celulares que cuentan con los servicios de google play para RA , para ver si tu celular puede funcionar correctamente visitar la siguiente liga desde el móvil:

Check Mobile Link

The Crypertnomicon is a procedural note synthesizer and a pocket grimoire, create your own melodies and mix rhythms freely, play in encrypted mode to complete the constellations by playing certain notes at a certain rhythm and tempo, after successfully finishing the encryption you will be able to summon a Succubu that can accompany you in augmented reality ~

This application is only compatible with cell phones that have google play services for AR, to see if your cell phone can work correctly visit the following link from your mobile:

Check Mobile Link

You can find more content of AR here :



Hints (Pistas) :  4 stars = 4 digits

StatusIn development
Rated 4.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
TagsAdult, Augmented Reality, Erotic, NSFW, Singleplayer


CrypterTest.apk 87 MB


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Howww?? Pls

(1 edit) (-2)

Can someone pls tell how to complete it? Cuz i can't((skill issues)and ye i don't have the heart on the screen don't know if it is needet)


I wasted 36 minutes of my life and got nothing. wow


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what’s the codes? I couldn’t find out the bottom one and the video didn’t work for it either.


Took me a few minutes to figure out but eventually cracked the code but honestly brute forcing it was fairly easy and the AR reward was pretty lacklustre in its functionality.

but it was certainly an interesting concept and kept me intrigued for a while


Don't really get why you are forced to decrypt something just to have a chance to get to the AR stuff.

 I know it's supposed to give it a challenge and it gives it some kind of story element. But it won't really be good if you plan on the game to have a lot of users. 

Most likely average people won't be able to figure it out, Or just decide that it's not worth it. 

Mostly people don't really come to these types of games to do puzzle. I do like that you are doing your own thing. Would just appreciate opinions for story mode and sandbox mode. Wish I was patient and smart enough to decrypt it.😅 

(1 edit) (+2)

Not saying it's a bad game or anything. Kind of just experienced floating balls and beping so far. 👾🤖

Deleted 1 year ago